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free concert

2009 Best of
Wilmington Award

June 8, 2009 -
The U.S. Commerce Association
(USCA) has selected the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra for the 2009
Best of Wilmington Award in the Orchestra or Bands category.
"Each year, the USCA identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing
success in their local community
and business category".

Mission Statement
The Wilmington Symphony
Orchestra is a private non-profit
corporation organized to provide
symphonic music at the highest
possible degree of excellence,
to provide performance opportunities
for area musicians, and to provide
the cultural benefits of a Symphony
Orchestra to the community.


Friday, March 14th

2:30 - 6:30 p.m.

YWCA Bridge Center at Market Place Mall
Located at Government Center Drive

(next to the NH County Government Offices)
South College Road, Wilmington, NC 28412

Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge Game & Party Bridge,
door prizes, raffle, food, friends and fun!

Advance registrations required. Entry donation - $25.
Limited to 120 participants, so register today!

Proceeds from the tournament benefit the Wilmington Symphony and its youth education programs, including the Wilmington Symphony Youth Orchestra.

To register, call the Symphony Office at (910) 791-9262
or download the registration form on the right and mail it to:

Wilmington Symphony Orchestra
4608 Cedar Ave.
Suite 105 Wilmington, NC 28403