

Individual Giving

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Legacy Gifts and Endowments

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Mission Statement
The Wilmington Symphony
Orchestra is a private non-profit
corporation organized to provide
symphonic music at the highest
possible degree of excellence,
to provide performance opportunities
for area musicians, and to provide
the cultural benefits of a Symphony
Orchestra to the community.

support the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra

Legacy Gifts and Endowment Fund
Legacy gifts offer a thoughtful and lasting way to honor and remember
a family member or friend, while benefiting the orchestra for years to come.

Orchestra Chair Endowments

Endowing an Orchestra Chair is a great way to provide a gift to the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund that will help ensure a sound financial future. All endowment gifts over $10,000.00 will be permanently recognized in concert programs and on the Wilmington Symphony website.


Permanent Chair Endowments Gifts:
Concertmaster Chair Endowed in Memory of Nancy H. McAllister

Current Twenty-Year Chair Endowment Gifts:
First Violin – Second Stand, Outside Chair: The Robert W. Austin Family
Percussion Section Chair: Christy Ball In Memory of Clyde and Milton Rutledge


Permanent Chair Endowment:
WSO Conductor - $100,000
• Youth Orchestra Conductor - $75,000
• Concert Master - $50,000
• Principal Musician - $30,000
• Musician - $20,000

Twenty-Year Chair Endowment:
Your chair endowment recognized for twenty years in all program books and on the Wilmington Symphony website after which the gift is recognized in perpetuity as a legacy gift and the chair is available for re-endowment.

• WSO Conductor - $50,000
• Youth Orchestra Conductor - $40,000
• Concert Master - $25,000
• Principal Musician - $15,000
• Musician - $10,000

Contact the Wilmington Symphony Executive Director Reed Wallace at 791-9262 for more information on Chair Endowments and other Endowment Fund and Legacy Gift opportunities.

Endowment Fund

A contribution in any amount can be made to the endowment fund as a way to ensure the future of the orchestra. Your contribution can be made in memory of a loved one or in honor of the living. Contributions can be designated to restricted or unrestricted use, and all gifts will be recognized in the Masterworks Series concert program books. Contributors to the Endowment Fund will also receive notification of special events.

Estate Planning

Gifts to the Wilmington Symphony's Endowment Fund can also be made through your estate planning. Contact your financial advisor to discuss ways in which your support of the Wilmington Symphony can continue well into the future. Click here for an outline of planned giving options that can assist you in developing a plan that is right for you.