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Wilmington Symphony Orchestra
4608 Cedar Ave., #105
Wilmington, NC 28403

Phone: 910-791-9262
Fax: 910-791-8970



Program Notes | December 3, 2011 | Holiday Concert
Notes researched & written by Joan Olsson

Amahl and the Night Visitors 1951

Inspired by the famous Bosch painting, Adoration of the Magi, Menotti wrote his one act opera which was commissioned by NBC. It was telecast on December 1951 for an audience of approximately 5 million viewers, and has been a Christmas season “staple” since then.

A crippled shepherd, Amahl, living with his mother near a shepherds’ field, welcomes the Three Kings into their home for a short rest before continuing on their long journey. They have come to see a special newborn in nearby Bethlehem. “It is this special child”, they claim, “who will create a kingdom greater than the gold we kings bear.” Hearing of the gold, the desperately poor mother steals some of it, but loaded with guilt, she returns it. As his gift to the baby, Amahl offers his only possession, his crutch. Suddenly his mobility is restored, and he joins the Kings on a pilgrimage to the manger.