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To Donate today:

Donate to the Wilmington Sympony Orchestra


Individual circumstances will vary -
as with all tax and estate planning,
please consult your attorney or
estate specialist. We will be glad
to answer questions and offer
suggestions confidentially based
on your personal circumstances.

We are pleased to work with you
to determine how a planned gift
can satisfy your overall financial
and personal goals while providing
a secure future for Wilmington
Symphony Orchestra.

All consultations are held in strict confidence. Please contact us today
for more information or to request
a personalized illustration of how
a planned gift can benefit you.

Contact us below:

Wilmington Symphony Orchestra
4608 Cedar Ave., #105
Wilmington, NC 28403

Phone: 910-791-9262
Fax: 910-791-8970

Reed Wallace, Executive Director:



Please note, individual financial
circumstances will vary. The
information on this site does not
constitute legal or tax advice.
Donor stories and photographs
are for purposes of illustration
only. As with all tax and estate
planning, please consult your
attorney or estate specialist. All
material is copyrighted and is for
viewing purposes only. Use of
this site signifies your agreement
with the terms of use. The content
in this Planned Giving section has
been developed for the Wilmington
Symphony Orchestra by Future
. Revised: Oct. 3, 2008



What Is A Charitable Lead Trust (CLT)?

A CLT is a powerful way to make a future transfer of assets to your heirs at a significantly reduced gift and estate tax cost, while also supporting your charity with income. During
a specified number of years, the lives of one or more individuals, or a combination of t
he two, all contributions are paid to the charity of your choice. At the end of the trust term,
the assets pass to beneficiaries named by the donor. The donors choose the trustee.

You can fund a CLT with cash, publicly traded securities, closely-held stock, income-
producing real estate, partnership interests, or a combination of the above. You can
establish a CLT during your lifetime, or as a testamentary trust through your will. A
lead trust may be structured to provide a fixed dollar contribution annually (CLAT)
or a fixed percentage contribution (CLUT).

Two Types of Lead Trusts
There are two basic types of Lead Trusts: Non-Grantor and Grantor.

In a non-grantor CLT, the most common type, the trust assets revert to your children,
grandchildren, or other heirs at the end of the trust term. A non-grantor CLT provides
a gift tax charitable deduction and is useful in reducing the cost of intergenerational
wealth transfers.

In a grantor CLT, the trust assets revert to you, rather than to your heirs, at the end
of the trust term. Donors creating grantor CLTs receive a large charitable contribution
income tax deduction. Such a gift structure may be particularly useful if you wish to
make a multi-year pledge and accelerate future deductions into the current year.

What Are The Advantages of a Non-Grantor CLT?
For people who have significant assets, a CLT provides gift and estate tax relief:

• You receive a charitable gift tax deduction for the present value of the annual trust
payments to the charity. The amount of this gift tax deduction is typically a large
percentage of the total assets contributed to a CLT, leaving only a small portion of
the gift amount subject to the gift tax.

• Because the gift tax deduction and the amount subject to gift tax is determined at
the time the assets are contributed to the CLT, any appreciation of the assets that
takes place during the term of the trust is not subject to additional gift or estate tax.
As a result, the amount that you ultimately transfer to your heirs may be much larger
than the amount upon which the gift tax is imposed.

• None of the income earned by a CLT is taxable to the grantor; therefore, the grantor
also does not receive a charitable income tax deduction. In effect, this results in a
reduction of your taxable income over the trust term.

• The assets you contribute to a CLT are removed from your taxable estate, reducing
your estate tax exposure.

• Unlike most other gift planning arrangements, the benefits of a CLT are immediate
to the charity. Payments from a CLT can be used to fund operating costs and other
programs as well as endowed funds.

How Do I Create a CLT?

Donors establishing a CLT should be advised by an attorney who is experienced in
the area of charitable trusts and estate planning. Please contact us by phone or
EMAIL so that we can assist you or use our RESPONSE/REQUEST FORM.