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To Donate today:

Donate to the Wilmington Sympony Orchestra


Individual circumstances will vary -
as with all tax and estate planning,
please consult your attorney or
estate specialist. We will be glad
to answer questions and offer
suggestions confidentially based
on your personal circumstances.

We are pleased to work with you
to determine how a planned gift
can satisfy your overall financial
and personal goals while providing
a secure future for Wilmington
Symphony Orchestra.

All consultations are held in strict confidence. Please contact us today
for more information or to request
a personalized illustration of how
a planned gift can benefit you.

Contact us below:

Wilmington Symphony Orchestra
4608 Cedar Ave., #105
Wilmington, NC 28403

Phone: 910-791-9262
Fax: 910-791-8970

Reed Wallace, Executive Director:



Please note, individual financial
circumstances will vary. The
information on this site does not
constitute legal or tax advice.
Donor stories and photographs
are for purposes of illustration
only. As with all tax and estate
planning, please consult your
attorney or estate specialist. All
material is copyrighted and is for
viewing purposes only. Use of
this site signifies your agreement
with the terms of use. The content
in this Planned Giving section has
been developed for the Wilmington
Symphony Orchestra by Future
. Revised: Oct. 3, 2008



Gifts of Life Insurance

There are several ways you can use life insurance as the basis for a charitable gift.

Making the Charity a Beneficiary of your Life Insurance Policy

You may wish to make the charity the beneficiary (or a contingent beneficiary) of a life insurance policy as a way to make a sizeable future gift. You retain lifetime ownership of the policy, keeping the right to cash it in, borrow against it, and change the beneficiary. A gift of this nature is treated much like a bequest made through your will. Because you retain the ownership of your asset (the policy), you will not receive an income tax charitable deduction for this future gift or for your premium payments during your lifetime. The policy's proceeds will be included in your gross estate, and your estate can take an estate tax charitable deduction.

Making a Gift of Your Policy life insurance

You may wish to transfer ownership of a
policy to the charity, or purchase a new
policy with the charity as owner and
beneficiary. If you make a charity the owner
and beneficiary of a policy, you are entitled
to certain tax advantages.


Since their children had grown up and
begun lives on their own, the Walkers decided to review their finances. They realized that some of the insurance they carried while the children were dependent on them was now not really needed. They decided to donate a fully paid-up policy to charity. Their financial advisor told them that as the policy is paid-up, they are entitled to a charitable deduction equal to the lessor of the premiums they paid over the life of the policy or the cost of a comparable replacement policy if purchased today. The Walker children were very supportive of the idea. In fact, one of their children purchased a small whole life policy and designated the charity as the owner and irrevocable beneficiary. As a result, the annual premiums that are paid are a charitable deduction.

Wealth Replacement Using Life Insurance

A donor may make a current gift to charity and receive a charitable tax deduction. At the same time, the donor may purchase life insurance to replace the donated amount or perhaps, the amount after estate tax that the beneficiaries would have received. Depending on the circumstances, the charitable tax savings and any life income resulting from the gift may defray the cost of the wealth replacement insurance premiums.

Example: life insurance

John Abbott, age 60, wants to make a gift that will
ultimately be used to purchase equipment for a charity
he has supported for years, but he is also concerned
for his children and their futures. He creates a 6 percent
Charitable Remainder Unitrust for $100,000, which
yields a tax savings to him of $13,307. He then purchases
a $100,000 whole life insurance policy that will maintain
his children's inheritance. His annual premium payments
are $4,500, which he pays for the first three years from
his tax savings and subsequently with the increased
income from his trust.

Creating a Life Insurance Trust

You may want to set up an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT). An ILIT removes the life insurance from your estate to help reduce estate tax while providing other benefits. For example, upon one's death, the proceeds of the life insurance policy may remain in the trust to provide income for the surviving spouse, but stays outside of the spouse's estate for estate tax purposes. Or, the trust could be used to distribute proceeds to children of a previous marriage. Although ILITs can be expensive and more complicated than owning life insurance directly, they may be an attractive option in certain situations.

As with all matters concerning estate planning, please consult your estate and tax specialists

Click here to return to WILLS AND BEQUESTS.

For more information about gifts of any appreciated assets, please CONTACT US so we can respond to your specific needs.